Thursday 10 January 2013

Using an STM

I am just putting all of my images I got from using an STM (Scanning tunnelling microscope), the first three images are from gold not on an atomic scale but about 145-200 nano meters. The tip was changed and the last two are from a different place but with a better tip. The rest of the images are of carbon atoms on an atomic scale.

Gold first image,

Image of Gold under a sacnning tunneling microscope
The nest two are of gold using a new better tip
Image of gold under an STM
Gold under a STM

Carbon atoms
The rest are images of carbon atoms on a scale of a few nano meters. The ones where the image changes allot is due to small movements that move the tip of the STM, this can be caused by slight movement or even sound.
Carbon atoms under an STM
Carbon atoms under an STM
Carbon atoms under a STM
Carbon atoms under a scanning tunnelling microscope
Carbon atoms under a STM
The next image is the best image of the carbon atoms I obtained using the STM
Carbon atoms under a STM

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